Anyone can find or make one or more rooms of any shape, size, proportion, and color — then furnish them perhaps, maybe paint some things or everything. Everyone else can come in and, if the room(s) are furnished, they also can arrange them, accommodating themselves as they see fit. Each day things will change.

Day Seven – Friday 12th June: Naked Gluing and Timelapse (partial with pink and green interference)

Posted: June 13th, 2009 | Author: | Filed under: Day 7, timelapse | 1 Comment »

As reported in the News Just In section of the website, the software taking the timelapse videos crashed on this day, leaving no trace of the movements of Andrew Haining’s Naked Gluing engagement with Push and Pull. Someone had brought a bag of apples into the space and this video was shot while Andrew had a break from his gluing.

And here is the truncated timelapse begun from sometime around 4pm when the software crash was discovered.

Notes and photos to follow soon…